Game Advice for Blind Stealing in Free Poker Tournaments

According to theory, you can win a free poker tournament if you enter the no-limit table and only manage to steal the blinds once, after the deal button models the table. This frequently occurs when you haven’t raked in the enormous sum.

Although it will imply that you need to steal the blinds, I do not advise you to do this when competing in your upcoming event. Let’s examine the true meaning of “stealing the blinds” in free poker.

Stealing the blinds ultimately means establishing a pre-flop raise that should result in folds and win your cards before the flop. The necessity of your hole cards is irrelevant when performing this move. When all players who are still in the game will fold, you don’t want to go to a flop.

Although it’s undoubtedly a different strategy, a boost near the end of position with AQs that generates folds will have a similar effect.

Before pushing an increase inside the line, we must take into account a number of factors because our objective should be to induce folds.

What role do I play?

How many players have what is referred to as a large blind pre-flop?

How many large blinds are left in our stack?

How healthy would the piles of people who left something be?

How do I come across when I’m eating?

Whenever you decide to steel the blind, it should ideally be made at the final position. Before deciding to steal, you can use this to observe how other players play the pre-flop.

Before a player is provided an overview of their cards, we usually wish to assault them within the blinds where their money extends. As long as individual calls were made by players who have played loose all night, it is appropriate to try to win the blinds against one (or more) calls.

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When a steal is likely to expand, it is rarely acceptable to check on it before making a decision! Assume that we are near the button (last something), that someone has folded their table, and that there is a call (a loose player).

At this point, we must determine whether our tiny stack will allow us to move across the blinds. The goal of our raise is always to eliminate any equity that is holding cards, making a fold the only truly intelligent action for the blinds. However, in order to achieve this, our stack must be large enough to cover the costs.

One caller and two blind people, both tiny and large, are holding cards in our hands. Using blinds of $100 or $200, the pot has grown to $500. We must raise the huge blind at least three times in order to determine who is holding cards for anyone considering a booked appointment.

A 3x rise is still the norm for many players, but I’ve discovered that increases of 3.5% or 4.5 are quite successful (3x = 600, 3.5x = 700, 4.5x = 900).

After we raise (30x=6,000), you want to ideally have 30X the large blind or more left in our stack. With our nick stack of 8,000, we can try the steal at this position.

Recognise that this play works much better if you project an image of a great player with firm hands while you’re eating.

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